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Identifying the Top 3 B2B Intent Data Providers

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Efficiently navigating prospects through the sales funnel is a task that every salesperson understands well. To alleviate this challenge, an increasing number of sales professionals are embracing the potential of intent data providers. In contrast to laboriously pushing for customer engagement, intent data has the capability to unveil opportunities. This powerful tool not only aids in identifying promising leads but also in comprehending their mindset, thereby enhancing the likelihood of effectively addressing their requirements. However, the selection of the appropriate intent data provider hinges on a thorough understanding of the company’s unique needs.

Understanding the Role of an Intent Data Provider

Procuring qualified leads remains an ongoing battle. Tools designed to recognize indicators of purchase intent enable sales teams to prioritize prospects with the highest conversion potential. While in-house intent signals can be gathered, a well-rounded intent-based campaign also integrates external providers. These providers generally fall within two categories:

  • Second-party: These providers curate purchasing signal data through user reviews and comments on secondary platforms. TrustRadius and Capterra (a subsidiary of Gartner) are prime examples.
  • Third-party: These providers aggregate comprehensive company data that can be refined into valuable intent insights. Notable third-party providers include Dun and Bradstreet and LinkedIn.

Especially in the realm of third-party data, the implementation of techniques associated with data insights and data scoring is vital for constructing an intent classification framework. This analysis is essential since not all intent signals carry equal weight, with some exhibiting more strength than others. The outcome of this analysis is filtered lead information, a valuable asset for the sales team.

Exploring Intent Data Pricing Models

The market boasts numerous B2B intent data providers, each with their unique pricing structures. When evaluating providers, it’s prudent to first understand the fundamental pricing models employed by third-party intent-based marketing data firms:

Per Seat: This model offers a range of features, often with certain feature limitations. For instance, there might be a predefined number of search terms. Additionally, specific contact types such as trade show attendees, industry influencers, and competitors can be monitored.

Flat Fee: With starting prices as low as $200 per month, some packages offer an affordable entry point. Conversely, enterprise-level subscriptions with extensive features can exceed $8,000 per month. However, the actual value is contingent on various factors, including user integration capabilities and data sophistication.

Per Lead: Pricing based on lead volume is a common practice—more leads translate to lower per-lead costs. A trial run is recommended for this model to assess the actual conversion rate.

Part of a Package: Several firms bundle intent data within comprehensive toolkits. Bruxt, for instance, couples intent data with a job change tracker and a technology stack profile, alongside its B2B contact data prospecting platform. This is particularly beneficial for organizations aiming to gain diverse insights into their prospects.

Important Considerations in Pricing: A crucial aspect of intent data selection is understanding the quality variance among providers:

Contact Details: While some vendors offer basic information like name and organization, others provide direct phone numbers and email addresses. Information age is also crucial. Quality can often be gauged by the number of sources utilized.

Contract Period: Intent data providers may offer contracts spanning three years, a year, or even quarters. Longer subscriptions might tie you to a specific provider in an ever-evolving technological landscape, while shorter terms can be more adaptable. Some vendors offer discounts for longer commitments.

Support: Given that intent data is a relatively new domain, robust onboarding is essential. User-friendly software is appreciated, and providers with solid introductory programs and comprehensive support stand out.

Filters: New users often grapple with overwhelming contact lists. Providers that facilitate inputting ideal customer profiles for effective filtering are advantageous. Moreover, easy data transfer to the marketing stack is desirable.

Packages: Many vendors bundle intent data within extensive software packages, offering a cost-effective approach. Prioritize tools that align with your requirements to optimize value. Some platforms synergize features for detailed results; combining intent data with prospecting software can pinpoint the individuals displaying buying signals.

Leading Intent Data Providers

After meticulous research, we’ve distilled the top three intent data vendors. It’s important to note that the perfect match depends on individual sales strategies, understanding the role of intent data in the go-to-market plan, and aligning with vendors that match technical proficiencies:

1. Bruxt

Bruxt functions as a go-to-market business intelligence platform, catering to sales and marketing teams in their pursuit of current, high-quality leads and prospects. Our exceptional intent data comes from collaborations with multiple partners that go beyond the limitations of a simple online search. The data comes from a vast network of over 20,000 sources who voluntarily contribute to the company’s data pool. This approach contrasts with “data scraping,” which has encountered legal and ethical challenges.

Bruxt prides itself on user-friendly setup and a brief onboarding process facilitated by an intuitive dashboard. Seamlessly integrating with Salesforce and other third-party vendors, our platform effortlessly aligns with your CRM. Customers benefit from our straightforward interface and fresh insights into individual contacts, including comprehensive intent data at the company level. Bruxt’s appeal extends to sales teams implementing a “warm outbound” approach. Despite the high quality of our offering, Bruxt’s pricing plans remain more affordable compared to many competitors in the intent data market.


Getemail specializes in unearthing anonymous buying behavior through diverse avenues, positioning it as an ideal solution for sales organizations employing a multichannel strategy. Users commend Getemail’s user-friendly interface and its ability to segment audiences across the organization. While lacking free trials, Getemail offers free installations and garners strong praise for customer support, making it a popular choice among mid-sized companies.

3. ZoomInfo

Renowned for providing a “360-degree view of customers,” ZoomInfo is a well-established prospecting tool catering primarily to medium-sized firms. However, a considerable portion of its customer base constitutes small businesses. ZoomInfo’s appeal lies in its diverse array of data offerings and intuitive interface.

Key Insights to Remember

  • Intent data providers play a pivotal role in enhancing the prospecting efforts of salespeople, enabling them to identify high-quality leads more effectively.
  • Pricing structures vary, including per lead, per seat, bundled packages, and flat fee options. However, the value often derives from the features and support provided by the chosen technology.
  • Noteworthy intent data providers include Bruxt, Getemail, and ZoomInfo.

This article provided by Bruxt

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